This wine is made with Pinot Nero grapes from the Oltrepò Pavese area in northwest Italy.
750 ml
This wine is made with Pinot Nero grapes from the Oltrepò Pavese area in northwest Italy.
It has a beautiful pink color.
The bouquet bursts with the vivacity of broad and variegated fruity sensations, counterbalanced by the finesse and complexity of its almost fleshy floral notes, spiced with pepper and cinnamon. On the palate, the most evident traits are the freshness, good body of the wine, and its notably fragrant persistent flavor.
A rich fish soup with tomatoes makes a worthy pairing, as does a flavorful onion and cheese soup. Spicy foods also complement this rosé exceptionally well, highlighting its exotic character.
This wine is made with Pinot Nero grapes from the Oltrepò Pavese area in northwest Italy.
750 ml